Polar Plunge

Our team participates in the Special Olympics Illinois' Polar Plunge. The goal of this icy dip is to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Illinois. Learn more by clicking the link below.

Be Bold. Get Cold. How will you plunge this year?
People doing Polar Plunge
People in Polar Plunge'

Saint Baldrick's

As a team, the Elk Grove Village Police Department & Friends raised $14,753 dollars for childhood cancer research. The event was hosted by the Franklin Park Fire Department. In total it raised $71,599! That is 13th place nationwide! This is EGVPD 10th year joining Saint Baldrick’s fundraising effort.
Group with certificate
Parents with little girl
Group holding up sign

Cop on a Rooftop

Each year, our members participate in the Cop on a Rooftop fundraising event at Dunkin Donuts which supports the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois.  Together, we raised $5,557.61 to make a difference in the lives of these exceptional athletes!  For more information about Special Olympics Illinois, click HERE.

Pack the Squad

Christmas tree with presents
Pack the Squad is an event we hold to help Toys for Tots fulfill their mission.  We collect toys in front of Walmart to literally "Pack the Squad" cars full of Christmas toys, which we deliver to the local Toys for Tots.